Earlier in the week I has the true pleasure of hearing Sherman Alexie speak at a local university. I went with one of my daughter's teachers, much to her horror, so as any mother of a teenager knows, I'm pretty much sworn to secrecy about it. He wrote (among many other things) a fantastic novel about growing up on an Indian Reservation. I was so taken by his talk, sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant, but mostly true, like his his brilliant The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian. The altered background is from a photo I found of the Spokane Reservation where Sherman Alexie grew up.
How great that you got to hear Sherman Alexie speak, I love his work. His books were our 'town' books last year, think I told you that, I never made it to any of the talks or events but enjoyed the reading! I like how there's so much emotion portrayed in this card, just like his work.