Originally, the idea was this. Two sisters spending one year creating art, or at least creating, every day using only supplies that they already have, get for free, find, or receive...looking to rediscover the artistic selves they've lost somewhere along the way in all the clutter of life... But it didn't fit into life, and so now who knows what you might find?!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I found this great photo of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ~ gotta love that handlebar mustache!  I've new been much of a mystery reader, so I focused more on the bloodiness of the "crime" and less of on the solving of it; please note my bloody fingerprint in the corner!  Funny, the color scheme is similar to Julia Child's... The background was this neat scrap of paper that someone left in the library while doing some genealogy work years back; it had a list of birth and death dates scribbled on it, along with some random names - perfect for a Sherlock Holmes card, except, once again, I got carried away with the paint and very little of it is visible!


  1. I wonder if most people would have kept that scrap of paper for years... How perfect that you were able to find the most excellent use for it!!! This card is genius, from the print to the clock, to the background, to the envelope & stamps... brilliant...

  2. I think saving paper is a disease...I found myself saying to Scott the other day that I really need a file cabinet so I can sort my paper clippings. Do I really have time? lol
