Originally, the idea was this. Two sisters spending one year creating art, or at least creating, every day using only supplies that they already have, get for free, find, or receive...looking to rediscover the artistic selves they've lost somewhere along the way in all the clutter of life... But it didn't fit into life, and so now who knows what you might find?!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

#68 a love note

Tomorrow is not only Mother's Day, but it's also my 12th anniversary. So after dancing all day with my mum and sister, which was just delightful I must add! So much laughter, and really, really filthy feet! I decided to create a quick love note for Ray for tomorrow.


  1. not perfect by any stretch, but I love the fact that the moon is in the background! Next to my really wonky I!!!

  2. so cool - you really are a talented lady! Is this three photos together (and how the heck did you do it? Can you tell or will you be giving away trade secrets?)

  3. It's wicked easy, I even used my point & shoot... set the white balance to Tungsten (learned last night I could! If you can't do this, it'll be fine, your light will just be yellow), and the exposure to 15 seconds(the longest option I had, you just have to write quicker if you don't have this option), then I used a flashlight to write the letters, turning it on & off between each. The trickiest part is to write backwards, but these letters are all the same either way which makes it super simple!
