Originally, the idea was this. Two sisters spending one year creating art, or at least creating, every day using only supplies that they already have, get for free, find, or receive...looking to rediscover the artistic selves they've lost somewhere along the way in all the clutter of life... But it didn't fit into life, and so now who knows what you might find?!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

#95 felted seaglass

I love seaglass. Marla & I both do. We can spend hours searching for the perfect pieces (much easier in Puerto Rico where everything is thrown in the ocean - sad for the earth, nice for seaglass hunting). So last night I decided to try to combine two things I love, but unfortunately, I don't actually know how to wet felt, so didn't work out quite the way I'd planned. The felt bit worked just fine, the wrapping it bit, not quite as well!


  1. That's really cool! You should make a bunch of those and have each one have a different wool color. It would look pretty in magenta.

  2. Interesting - what does one do with felted seaglass? :)

  3. I like the different colours, Adriana, may have to try that!
    I was going to make a pendant or a mobile or hanging collage or something with them, but the felt around the edges isn't strong enough, need to figure it out a little better! Honestly, what does one do with most of the things I've been making?
