Originally, the idea was this. Two sisters spending one year creating art, or at least creating, every day using only supplies that they already have, get for free, find, or receive...looking to rediscover the artistic selves they've lost somewhere along the way in all the clutter of life... But it didn't fit into life, and so now who knows what you might find?!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

#61 Buddha

So here's a sad thing, I'm not completely sure where Buddha is... I am pretty sure he's in the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco. He was adorned by flowers, so beautiful and so peaceful I just had to take his portrait. I remember the moment, just not the location!! I picked a Myrtle flower in Aunt Ann's garden when we went to her funeral on Monday, and although you can scarcely see it in this copy, thought it went beautifully with the other flowers... He's lost his halo, but unexpected company puts a damper on creating!! Like numerous others in the past two months, maybe he'll get finished one day!

{Amusingly, I dyed the paper he's sitting on with tea, when tea gets stale I put it in my art room for that very purpose, tho' my everday black tea rarely goes stale I drink so darn much of it... occassionally I'll get some decaf or something else that doesn't get drunk quickly enough... I must have lost a box of Earl Grey at the back of the closet or something as I have an old stash of those tea bags I've had forever in my supplies, which is what I used today. I almost had to stop mid creating to run to the store to buy some Earl Grey, it smelled soooooooooooo good I could hardly stand it!!!!}


  1. So, do you drag wet teabags over the paper? It's got a mottled look that I love - and Buddha looks so serene on his lovely backdop.

  2. In this case, yes, I put just a wee amount of water in a bowl to soak the teabag, and then just dragged it over the paper and then let it dry naturally...

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